What is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, zero-medication approach to mental and physical well-being.
Helps the brain learn healthier, more efficient, and better regulated patterns of operating. “The idea behind all neurofeedback is that sensors and software work together to give information back to the brain about its own activity, and that the brain can learn from that information how to improve processing and work more efficiently.”(2)
The potential for facilitating healing with neurofeedback is untapped and under-realized. It is a safe and very effective modality in healing people suffering from certain conditions, but it can also help people without specific complaints feel better and optimize overall functioning. Professional athletes, musicians, and other professionals use neurofeedback to fine-tune their brain functioning to optimize their performance.
How does it work?
Neurofeedback as a part of a holistic approach to healing is a very nascent practice. Studies have demonstrated safety and effectiveness but extensive roll-out has yet to be realized. With Neurofeedback, Imago Dei brings a cutting edge and effective tool in brain health and recovery. Patients can experience benefit within a few training sessions, and most will continue for a couple of months. The training does not have to follow a strict schedule for it to be effective – in other words, training sessions can be separated by a few days to a few months. Neurofeedback training has lasting effects and does not need to be continued indefinitely.
“Neurofeedback monitors your brain waves and then provides ‘feedback’ to your central nervous system about what it has just done. When the software detects a tremor in your brain wave pattern (indicative of chaotic or unstable brain wave pattern), it sends an audible signal that encourages the brain to “reset” and self-correct. Neurofeedback prompts the brain to draw from its existing resources and pull itself out of these mental “ruts.” The result can be a more open and positive mindset in which obstacles are more manageable and problems more resolvable.” (3) Basically, neurofeedback does not manipulate the brain in any one direction but provides your brain with the information it needs to correct itself and function how it was designed. It “simply enables your own brain’s natural process of self-correction.” (4)
“The software helps the brain catch and interrupt that turbulence before it even reaches the level of conscious awareness, with a fraction-of-a- second interruption in the music. The client’s brain recognizes that skip in the soundtrack, and in that instant of recognition the brain has an opportunity to re-set itself. EEG Biofeedback (also known as neurofeedback) has been in use as a clinical intervention for well over 30 years.” (2) An analogy might be the way rumble strips on a highway alert a driver that they’re headed out of the lane.
We will employ a standardized protocol to monitor symptoms of each patient to track progress and effectiveness. This is helpful for direct feedback to the patient as well as for data collection in the course of our work with neurofeedback.
What are some conditions that might be helped?
ADHD, PTSD, post-concussion syndrome, addiction, chronic pain syndromes, fibromyalgia, brain fog, chronic migraines, chemo-brain, and people with long covid/long vax. Professional athletes and musicians also use it to fine tune their brain to optimize performance.
It is important to remember that neurofeedback is not a treatment or therapy. It is training the brain to be resilient and flexible. It cannot be predicted how many sessions may be needed to see a difference, and that changes/improvements may be subtle. There is no guarantee of symptom improvement.
What brand of machine do you use?
NeurOptimal offers dynamical neurofeedback which is designed to maximize the brain’s flexibility and resilience It trains the brain to make adjustments quickly and seamlessly in order to maximize performance.
How do I get started?
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Katherine to review the process and establish goals. There is included in your neurofeedback package, but there is no obligation to sign up.
Sign up for a session or purchase a package of 10 sessions at a discounted rate. These sessions may be distributed to other people.
Neurofeedback sessions will require about 45 minutes of your time at the office. Please allow another 30 minutes for your initial discussion with Dr. Katherine.
There is no ideal spacing of sessions – it is up to you and your availability
Gapen M.; et al. A Pilot Study of Neurofeedback for Chronic PTSD. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. Jan 2016. DOI 10.1007/s10484-015-9326-5.
Catching Brainwaves. Emily Avery-Miller. Bellows American Review. Aug 2015. http://bellowsamerican.com/article/avery-miller1.html
New Research Shows Neurofeedback is as Effective as Medication in Treating PTSD. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2018/04/prweb15430982.htm